Our Latest Video: Supta Padangustasana Series—A Boon to All!
Last night, Shelley and I decided to practice the Supta Padangustasana series together. We both find this series to be physically, mentally, and emotionally soothing and we’d like to share it with you. Supta means “reclining” and padangusta means ‘big toe.”
We often do this in the evening after the day’s activities and follow up with inversions. It is also used to help those with sciatica and lower back issues and is wonderful for those who are on their feet a lot.
As a retired RN I would practice this series after a long shift when I felt exhausted. It restored my being to a state of harmony!
We hope that our wonderful health care workers can use this series for benefit and we share this with gratitude for your sacrifice.
We recommend that you practice this series about three times per week. Remain introspective and quiet with breath sensitivity. Allow the body, mind, and senses to receive the pose and be patient. With regular and devoted practice, yoga smiles on us all.
Love from me and Shelley,
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